Common Spring Illnesses and Preventative Care that Nair Urgent Care In Long Beach Can Help

As the winter season fades away and the weather becomes warmer, springtime also brings with it an array of common illnesses. From allergies to colds and flu, springtime can be a challenging time for those looking to stay healthy. Fortunately, the urgent care Long Beach facility of Nair is well-equipped to help manage many common spring illnesses like the ones below:

  1. Allergies: Springtime allergies are often triggered by increased pollen and other allergens in the air. Nair Urgent Care can help diagnose and manage allergies through allergy testing, medication, and lifestyle modifications.

  2. Cold and Flu: While cold and flu season typically peaks during the winter, springtime can still bring an increased risk of respiratory infections. Nair Urgent Care can provide testing, diagnosis, and treatment for these illnesses, including antiviral medications and antibiotics if needed.

  3. Asthma: Springtime can be a challenging time for those with asthma due to increased allergens and pollution in the air. Nair’s Long Beach urgent care can provide diagnosis, treatment, and asthma action plans to help manage symptoms and prevent exacerbations.

  4. Gastrointestinal Issues: Springtime can bring a range of gastrointestinal issues such as food poisoning, stomach flu, and other infections. Nair Urgent Care can help manage these issues through diagnostic testing, medication, and hydration therapy.

  5. Skin Irritations: Springtime can also bring an increased risk of skin irritations such as rashes, sunburns, and insect bites. The Long Beach urgent care of Nair can provide treatment for these conditions, including topical medications and wound care.

In addition to managing these common springtime illnesses, Nair Urgent Care in Long Beach Ca can also provide preventive care such as annual physical exams, vaccinations, and wellness exams. By offering a range of services and treatments, Long Beach urgent care, like those provided by Nair Urgent Care, can help keep patients healthy and happy throughout the spring season and beyond. If you are looking for a convenient and accessible option for these exams, Nair’s Long Beach urgent care facility can help. Here's how:

  1. Comprehensive Exam: Urgent care facilities like Nair’s Long Beach Urgent Care offer comprehensive annual physicals and wellness exams. These exams include a thorough evaluation of your health history, family history, lifestyle, and current health concerns. The provider may also perform a physical examination, including checking vital signs, blood pressure, heart rate, and lung function.

  2. Diagnostic Testing: Urgent care facilities can also be Long Beach testing sites for diagnostic exams like blood analysis, urine analysis, and imaging tests to screen for a range of health conditions. These tests can help identify underlying health problems that may not show up in a physical exam.

  3. Preventive Care: In addition to identifying and treating health conditions, urgent care facilities can also provide preventive care services such as vaccinations, cancer screenings, and other wellness services. Preventive care can help you stay healthy and catch potential health issues early on.

  4. Convenient and Accessible: Urgent care facilities like Long Beach Urgent Care offer convenient and accessible options for annual physicals and wellness exams. You can typically schedule an appointment quickly and receive the care you need without having to wait weeks or months for an appointment with your primary care provider.

  5. Follow-up Care: If any health issues are identified during your exam, urgent care providers can refer you to a specialist or coordinate follow-up care with your primary care provider. They can also provide advice and guidance on lifestyle changes and other steps you can take to improve your health.

Overall, urgent care facilities like the Long Beach Urgent Care of Nair can be an excellent resource for preparing for spring and focusing on your health and wellness. By offering comprehensive exams, diagnostic testing, preventive care, and follow-up care, urgent care can help you stay healthy and happy throughout the year.

Eye Injury? Urgent Care in Long Beach Can Help

long beach urgent care can help with eye injury

Eye injuries can range from minor irritations to severe trauma, and can have serious consequences if left untreated.  Prompt medical attention is essential to prevent long-term damage or vision loss. Seeking treatment at urgent care in Long Beach can provide a number of benefits compared to waiting for a regular doctor's appointment or trying to self-treat at home.

Speed of Care

One major benefit of seeking treatment at Long Beach urgent care for an eye injury is the speed of care. Eye injuries can be extremely painful and distressing, and the sooner you receive treatment, the better your chances of a full recovery. Urgent care centers are designed to provide quick and efficient care for non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses, so you can receive the treatment you need without the long wait times often associated with the emergency room.

Access to Quality Equipment and Staff

Another advantage of seeking treatment at an urgent care center is the availability of specialized equipment and trained personnel. Seeking treatment at an urgent care center can help to prevent further injury or damage to the eye. If a foreign object is stuck in the eye, attempting to remove it oneself can lead to further injury. A trained medical professional at an urgent care center will have the necessary tools and knowledge to safely remove the object and provide any necessary follow-up care.

Eye injuries often require specialized tests and procedures to accurately diagnose and treat the issue. Urgent care centers are equipped with the necessary tools and staffed with trained medical professionals who are experienced in treating eye injuries and can provide the appropriate level of care.


In addition to providing timely and specialized care, seeking treatment at an urgent care center can also be more cost-effective than going to the emergency room. Emergency rooms are equipped to handle life-threatening injuries and illnesses and can be much more expensive than an urgent care visit.

Thorough Evaluation

It is also important to note that some eye injuries can be serious and potentially vision-threatening. By seeking treatment at an urgent care center, you can receive a thorough evaluation and, if necessary, be referred to an ophthalmologist or other specialist for further treatment.

To sum up, there are several benefits to seeking treatment at urgent care in Long Beach, CA for an eye injury. These benefits include:

  • Quick and efficient care

  • Access to specialized equipment and trained personnel

  • More cost-effective than the emergency room

  • Thorough evaluation and referral to a specialist if necessary

If you suffer an eye injury at a Long Beach testing site, it is important to remain calm and seek medical attention immediately. Eye injuries can range from mild to severe and can potentially lead to permanent vision loss if not treated promptly. At an urgent care center, the medical staff will be able to assess the extent of the injury and provide appropriate treatment, such as flushing out foreign objects. It is important to follow all post-treatment care instructions carefully to ensure a full recovery.

If you or someone you know experiences an eye injury, it's important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Overall, Urgent care in Long Beach can provide the timely and specialized care needed to prevent long-term damage or vision loss. 

What to Expect from Urgent Care in Long Beach

benefits of going to urgent care in long beach

When you are feeling sick or injured, it can be tough to know where to go for medical attention. In many cases, heading to the emergency room might seem like the most logical choice, but that's not always the best option. Urgent care in Long Beach is a great alternative for people who need medical attention but do not require the full resources of the emergency room.

So, what can you expect when you visit a Long Beach urgent care center? Here's a quick rundown:

Quicker wait times

Because urgent care centers are designed to treat non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses, the wait times are usually much shorter than those at the emergency room. In many cases, you'll be seen by a medical professional within a few minutes of arriving.

Wide range of services

Urgent care centers are equipped to handle a variety of non-life-threatening issues, including colds and flu, cuts and bruises, sprains and strains, and more. Many also offer on-site lab testing and x-rays.

Lower costs

Visiting an urgent care center is generally less expensive than going to the emergency room. This is because urgent care centers are not equipped to handle the same level of medical emergencies as the ER, so they don't have the same level of staffing and resources.


One of the main benefits of visiting an urgent care center is that they are open on weekends, making them a convenient option for medical attention outside of regular business hours.

Are you looking for urgent care in Long Beach, CA? If so, we are an urgent care center near you, and we are open Monday-Friday 8 am-7pm as well as Saturday and Sunday 8 am- 4pm. 

It's important to note that urgent care centers are not a replacement for primary care doctors. They are a good option for unexpected illnesses or injuries that need immediate attention but are not serious enough to require a trip to the ER. If you have a chronic condition or need ongoing medical care, it's important to have a primary care doctor who can help manage your overall health.

What to Expect from the Testing Site

If are considering Long Beach testing sites, here's what you can expect:

  1. When you arrive at the testing site, you'll be asked to provide some basic information, such as your name and contact details. You may also be asked to fill out a questionnaire about your symptoms and medical history.

  2. A medical professional will then evaluate your symptoms and determine whether you need to be tested for a particular illness or condition. If so, they will collect a sample (such as a swab from your nose or throat) and send it to a laboratory for analysis.

  3. You'll be given instructions on how to self-isolate while you wait for your test results, which can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

  4. If your test results are positive, you'll be given further instructions on how to manage your condition and prevent the spread of the illness to others. If your results are negative, you may be able to return to your normal activities.

In summary, visiting an urgent care center can be a convenient and cost-effective way to get the medical attention you need for non-life-threatening issues. With shorter wait times, flexible hours, and a wide range of services, NAIR Urgent Care in Long Beach, can be a great alternative to the emergency room.

Toe Trauma? Seek Long Beach Urgent Care

Let’s discuss the causes and treatment for toenail trauma from Long Beach urgent care experts.

Have you ever stubbed your toe in the middle of the night? The next day you may have found your toenail looking black and blue or even cracked. In this predicament, you may start to feel extremely concerned. Do you let nature take its course or should you seek immediate professional attention? Our Long Beach urgent care experts are here to discuss.

Common Causes for Toenail Trauma

In some instances, you may stub your toe in the middle of the night and experience toenail injury. Most of the time, toenail injuries happen because of repeated trauma. 

Athletes are prone to developing a condition called runner’s toe. A runner’s toe is a blackened toenail caused by repeated trauma to the nail. This type of trauma is usually a result of blood under the toenail, also known in the medical community as a subungual hematoma.

Types of Toenail Injuries

A subungual hematoma is typically the result of a trauma from a heavy object. It could also sometimes result from frequent rubbing or friction against a shoe. When the blood vessels under your toenail break open, you will see a pool of blood. Your toenail may even appear black or bluish in color.

Nail trauma can be painful and even cause your nail to tear or split. When the toenail splits, doctors refer to the split as a laceration. A toenail that completely falls off is referred to as an avulsion. In some cases, nail trauma can cause an ingrown toenail. If you are suffering from the pain of an ingrown toenail, you can get immediate treatment from our urgent care in Long Beach. 

When to Seek Medical Help for Toenail Problems

If your toenail injury is minor, you may be able to seek at-home remedies to treat it. However, if the amount of blood under your toenail covers more than half of the nail area, you should seek urgent care. If you are looking for urgent care in Long Beach, CA, look no further than NAIR Urgent Care. An urgent care doctor can drain the blood and relieve pressure under the toenail. Do not attempt to drill or reduce pressure under your toenail at home.

If you have a nail laceration or avulsion, your nail may need to be removed by the urgent care doctor. Once the nail bed dries up, your doctor may recommend moisturizer or antifungal cream to protect the nail bed. Your doctor may even prescribe antibiotics to help prevent any infections.

If you have any conditions like neuropathy or diabetes, be sure to disclose this information with your doctor. In some rare cases, people with conditions that affect healing or circulation risk toe amputation if the injury is not properly cared for.

How to Prevent Toenail Trauma

Here are a few ways that you can protect your toes from trauma:

  • Wear shoes that properly fit your feet.

  • Wear close-toed shoes in the house.

  • Trim your toenails.

  • Control moisture of sweaty feet.

  • Buy silicone or gel toe caps.

If you ever find yourself in need of immediate care for toenail trauma, do not hesitate to contact NAIR. We offer a wide range of services at our Long Beach urgent care facility. If you are looking for Long Beach testing sites for COVID, you can also schedule an appointment with us.