Toe Trauma? Seek Long Beach Urgent Care

Let’s discuss the causes and treatment for toenail trauma from Long Beach urgent care experts.

Have you ever stubbed your toe in the middle of the night? The next day you may have found your toenail looking black and blue or even cracked. In this predicament, you may start to feel extremely concerned. Do you let nature take its course or should you seek immediate professional attention? Our Long Beach urgent care experts are here to discuss.

Common Causes for Toenail Trauma

In some instances, you may stub your toe in the middle of the night and experience toenail injury. Most of the time, toenail injuries happen because of repeated trauma. 

Athletes are prone to developing a condition called runner’s toe. A runner’s toe is a blackened toenail caused by repeated trauma to the nail. This type of trauma is usually a result of blood under the toenail, also known in the medical community as a subungual hematoma.

Types of Toenail Injuries

A subungual hematoma is typically the result of a trauma from a heavy object. It could also sometimes result from frequent rubbing or friction against a shoe. When the blood vessels under your toenail break open, you will see a pool of blood. Your toenail may even appear black or bluish in color.

Nail trauma can be painful and even cause your nail to tear or split. When the toenail splits, doctors refer to the split as a laceration. A toenail that completely falls off is referred to as an avulsion. In some cases, nail trauma can cause an ingrown toenail. If you are suffering from the pain of an ingrown toenail, you can get immediate treatment from our urgent care in Long Beach. 

When to Seek Medical Help for Toenail Problems

If your toenail injury is minor, you may be able to seek at-home remedies to treat it. However, if the amount of blood under your toenail covers more than half of the nail area, you should seek urgent care. If you are looking for urgent care in Long Beach, CA, look no further than NAIR Urgent Care. An urgent care doctor can drain the blood and relieve pressure under the toenail. Do not attempt to drill or reduce pressure under your toenail at home.

If you have a nail laceration or avulsion, your nail may need to be removed by the urgent care doctor. Once the nail bed dries up, your doctor may recommend moisturizer or antifungal cream to protect the nail bed. Your doctor may even prescribe antibiotics to help prevent any infections.

If you have any conditions like neuropathy or diabetes, be sure to disclose this information with your doctor. In some rare cases, people with conditions that affect healing or circulation risk toe amputation if the injury is not properly cared for.

How to Prevent Toenail Trauma

Here are a few ways that you can protect your toes from trauma:

  • Wear shoes that properly fit your feet.

  • Wear close-toed shoes in the house.

  • Trim your toenails.

  • Control moisture of sweaty feet.

  • Buy silicone or gel toe caps.

If you ever find yourself in need of immediate care for toenail trauma, do not hesitate to contact NAIR. We offer a wide range of services at our Long Beach urgent care facility. If you are looking for Long Beach testing sites for COVID, you can also schedule an appointment with us.